Sports and Sunglasses to me

Posted by doms | Tuesday, October 21, 2008 | | 0 comments »

One of the cool things I find in baseball is to see outfielders in sunglasses chasing flyballs in the field. Aside from preventing them get distracted by the Sun or bright lights, I feel that sunglasses add to their psyche or mojo.

And I bet the sunglasses they wear during games are not the ordinary type I see around. Perhaps these baseball teams has departments solely responsible in getting the best sunglasses and sports stuff for the players.

As for me, wearing one is a lifelong frustration. The same can be said to the sports I am able to play. You see, I am nearsighted and has worn eyeglasses since my senior year in high school. That has prevented me from engaging with most sports especially those that has lots of contacts.

One thing that works for me in this respect, is I get to save money from shopping for sports stuffs like apparel and equipment etc...

If ever I get rich, I would have my eyes undergo LASIK surgery. That way, I get to wear sunglasses and go through the hassles and joy of selecting the best one for me!

Imagine playing your favorite sports in full battle gear? That would definitely give me more confidence which can improve my performance.